A superheroine created by the Mexican Goverment to encourage people to practice social distancing.

In the economic center of San Cristóbal people from different communities wait with social distancing to collect their monthly payment from mexican goverment.

A leader of market´s vendors Narciso Ruiz wears a mask given by municipal authorities before the state department personel begins sanitization.

A member of the state health department sanitizes the oldest city market in the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

Personel of the health state department sanitizes the center of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

a vendor from the city market helps cleaning to avoid the covid19 spread.

a man from the indigenous comunity of Pantelho begs for money in the fase 2 of the pandemia .

a s

women wait in line outside of Elektra a store that hasn´t followed the mexican goverment advise to stop non esential activities.

praying in the phase 3 of the pandemia , the highest phase of contagion in México.

En el municipio de Las Rosas habitantes incendiaron una ambulancia y causaron destrozos en la clínica de Salud debido a los rumores sobre la fumigación para el Dengue. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19

La tormenta trópical Cristóbal provocó afectaciones en algunas colonias de la ciudad de San Cristóbal de las Casas. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19

Pobladores del municipio de Las Rosas cerraron las entradas y salidas del pueblo para no permitir la entrada de la Guardia Nacional o personas ajenas al municipio.

“La colonia covid”. Panteón de San Cristóbal de las Casas. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19

los usos y costumbres ante el covid19. San Andrés Larrainzar. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19

Coronavirus en los Altos de Chiapas. Destrucción del hospital básico de San Andrés Larrainzar debido a rumores sobre el covid19. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19.

The human rigth’s director of the mexican goverment visits the Aldama municipality to encourage the peace treaty between the tsotsiles of the highlands of Chiapas.

A superheroine created by the Mexican Goverment to encourage people to practice social distancing.
In the economic center of San Cristóbal people from different communities wait with social distancing to collect their monthly payment from mexican goverment.
A leader of market´s vendors Narciso Ruiz wears a mask given by municipal authorities before the state department personel begins sanitization.
A member of the state health department sanitizes the oldest city market in the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.
Personel of the health state department sanitizes the center of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.
a vendor from the city market helps cleaning to avoid the covid19 spread.
a man from the indigenous comunity of Pantelho begs for money in the fase 2 of the pandemia .
a s
women wait in line outside of Elektra a store that hasn´t followed the mexican goverment advise to stop non esential activities.
praying in the phase 3 of the pandemia , the highest phase of contagion in México.
En el municipio de Las Rosas habitantes incendiaron una ambulancia y causaron destrozos en la clínica de Salud debido a los rumores sobre la fumigación para el Dengue. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19
La tormenta trópical Cristóbal provocó afectaciones en algunas colonias de la ciudad de San Cristóbal de las Casas. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19
Pobladores del municipio de Las Rosas cerraron las entradas y salidas del pueblo para no permitir la entrada de la Guardia Nacional o personas ajenas al municipio.
“La colonia covid”. Panteón de San Cristóbal de las Casas. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19
los usos y costumbres ante el covid19. San Andrés Larrainzar. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19
Coronavirus en los Altos de Chiapas. Destrucción del hospital básico de San Andrés Larrainzar debido a rumores sobre el covid19. Fase 3 de la pandemia por covid19.
The human rigth’s director of the mexican goverment visits the Aldama municipality to encourage the peace treaty between the tsotsiles of the highlands of Chiapas.